


  1. 高考英语环保类句子?
  2. 有关环境保护的英语句子?


1. environmental protection is everyone's responsibility.

2. We should take actions to protect our environment.


3. The pollution of the environment has become a global issue.

4. It's our duty to reduce waste and s***e resources.

5. The *** should implement stricter laws to protect the environment.


6. We need to raise awareness about Environmental protection.

7. The use of renewable energy can help reduce carbon emissions.

8. The destruction of natural habitats has led to the extinction of many species.


9. We should recycle as much as possible to reduce waste.

10. The effects of climate change are becoming more and more severe.


1. It is our responsibility to protect the environment for future generations.

2. Environmental protection should be a top priority for all ***s.

3. We must take action to reduce pollution and preserve our natural resources.

4. Recycling is an important part of environmental protection.

5. The use of renewable energy sources is essential for a sustainable future.

6. We need to raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation.

7. The destruction of habitats and wildlife is a serious threat to our planet.

8. Climate change is a global issue that requires immediate action.

9. We must work together to combat environmental challenges and find solutions.

10. Every individual can make a difference in protecting the environment by making ***all changes in their daily lives.


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