


  1. 高考英语环保类句子?
  2. 保护环境的十条小建议英语?


1. environmental protection is everyone's responsibility.

2. We should take actions to protect our environment.


3. The pollution of the environment has become a global issue.

4. It's our duty to reduce waste and s***e resources.

5. The *** should implement stricter laws to protect the environment.


6. We need to raise awareness about Environmental protection.

7. The use of renewable energy can help reduce carbon emissions.

8. The destruction of natural habitats has led to the extinction of many species.


9. We should recycle as much as possible to reduce waste.

10. The effects of climate change are becoming more and more severe.


1、We h***e only one earth. 我们只有一个地球

2、Conserve energy. 节约能源

3、Reuse paper. 重复使用纸张。

4、Reuse plastic bags. 重复使用塑料袋

5、Repair broken items. 修理破损的物品。

1.We'd better not liter in the street.

2.We should not spit in public places.

3.Everyone ought to do his bit to keep the public places clean.

4.We should fill in our kids' mind how important the enviroment is.

5.The concept of enviroment protection should be written in books for children in kindergarden.

6.When you walk your dog,if your dog dropped something in the street,you ought to clean that.

7.Men who ***oke had better take along a bag for collecting ash when get out.

8.If you are suffering from a cold ,you should bring along a pack of tissue anytime.

9.We'd better not build so many factories around here,or else the enviroment would be worse.

10.If someone is contaminating the enviroment,you ought to stop him.


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